No Slip Treatment

Floor / Bathtub Treatment

  • Indoors – Outdoors – All Kinds Of Weather
  • Inexpensive and highly effective way to achieve non slip flooring
  • Scientifically proven to dissolve the hard and soft calcium minerals of a floors surface at different rates of speed, in turn creates a sophisticated grid in the surface of the flooring itself. When the sophisticated grid is now in the surface what happens is this grid will allow your foot to break the waters surface tension and allow your foot to make contact with the floor and helping prevent your foot from hydroplaning, thus helping prevent a slip and fall

Bot 3000e

The Bot 3000e Tribometer: State Of The Art And Standard Of Care

The BOT 3000E Tribometer, from Regan Scientific Instruments, is a highly precise, digital instrument capable of measuring the dynamic and static coefficient of friction (COF) of walkway surfaces in the lab and in the field. It is the only device qualified for use with ANSI A326.3 “American National Standard Test Method for Measuring Dynamic Coefficient of Friction of Hard Surface Flooring Materials” released in April 2017. It meets the requirements of ASTM 2508 for the validation and certification of walkway tribometers, as tested by an independent laboratory.

The BOT 3000E and ANSI 326.3 are the result of published research conducted in the United States and Germany and represent the sound scientific methodology required to meet the “Daubert” rule of evidence in United States federal and state courts. The user friendly interface of the BOT 3000E allows you to regularly
and easily monitor your facility’s walkways and gauge the effectiveness of your efforts to maintain slip resistant and hazard free floors.

Measuring walkway slip resistance with the BOT 3000E per the ANSI A326.3 method allows you to recognize and remove slip hazards, in compliance with the Standard of Care called for in OSHA Section 5(a)(1), General Duty Clause.


BOT-3000E Tribometer Testing

Slip resistance testing on your company’s floors can detect problems so they can be solved before they cause an accident, and can help verify that there are no remaining problems. These monitoring slip tests are typically conducted quarterly, semiannually, or annually. However, various unrelated pedestrian factors such as hazardous shoes, intoxication, prescription and non-prescription drug use or irresponsible pedestrian behavior can still lead to claims and possibly litigation. This is where some of the unique features of the BOT-3000E digital floor tribometer (slip resistance tester) can be put to good use!


BOT-3000E Tribometer Testing

Slip resistance testing on your company’s floors can detect problems so they can be solved before they cause an accident, and can help verify that there are no remaining problems. These monitoring slip tests are typically conducted quarterly, semiannually, or annually. However, various unrelated pedestrian factors such as hazardous shoes, intoxication, prescription and non-prescription drug use or irresponsible pedestrian behavior can still lead to claims and possibly litigation. This is where some of the unique features of the BOT-3000E digital floor tribometer (slip resistance tester) can be put to good use!